Wednesday 5 June 2013


Wednesday 5th June 2013.

Uluru- Kata Tjuta National Park is internationally recognised as a World Heritage Area. It is one of the few properties in the world to be dual-listed by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

The park was first inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1987, when the international; community recognised its spectacular geological formations, rare plants and animals and exceptional natural beauty.

In 1994, the park became only the second in the world to be acclaimed for its cultural landscape as well. This listing honours the traditional belief systems as a part of one of the oldest human societies on earth.

Places visited Kings Canyon, Lost City, Amphitheatre, Garden of Eden, Kata Tjuta, Valley of the winds, Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Mala Walk, Uluru Base Walk, Aboriginal Cave Paintings.

I spent a lot of time on reflection of my self and my journey so far. Also to practise what I believe in, whilst looking at One of the Natural Wonders of the world and other amazing places in the Northern Territory.




This experience is Life Changing.