Thursday, 16 May 2013

WISH & The Wayside Chapel

Friday 17th May 2013

WISH -  Integrated Services Hub

WISH - All the services you need in one place at the same time for service users to access.

Services you can access at WISH.

1. Make housing application or check on the status of an existing application.
2. Referrals to homeliness accommodation and other services.
3. Medical assessments and referrals to dental and other health services.
4. Legal advice and advocacy.
5. Assistance to address fines.
6. Apply for medical card or other identification.
7. Find out about benefits and assistance to fill forms out.
8. Help to negotiate appeal decisions.
9. Help for probation and parole related issues.
10. Information on education course.
11. Assistance to find a job.
12. Assistance to purchase start up goods and services to help set up a new home.
13. Pet care and information.

Within Sydney all the main services were present for people to access at one point. This is held once per month. On average from WISH 100 outcomes are made on the day. Communication between services was the key.

The Wayside Chapel
The Wayside Chapel location Kings Cross.
Each year thousands of people visit Wayside for assistance in gaining access to essential health, welfare and related services.
In the past year alone, Wayside has provided, amongst other services 8,089 community meals, 7,572 changes of clothing, 8,475 one-to-one support sessions, 2,453 referrals to services and agencies and 653 activities for young people and visitors with long term mental health issues.
Overall 89,500 visits were made to the Café which provides low cost food. 74,000 instances of support were provided to people seeking assistance or just stopping for a chat.
Whilst walking through Kings Cross the Area was very busy with lots of activity of one thing and another.....
Upon visiting Wayside Chapel I got a sense of community, there was a lot of laughter taking place, others were sat chatting,
In the far corner people were sat quite, it seemed there were lost in the world around them and every day living.
On the ground floor is a Day Centre phone calls, one-to-one sessions, washing facilities  and besides  is a Café with meals served.
Within Wayside there are various programs (weekly timetable)  & various agencies attend to other support NEAMI Way 2 Home, Aboriginal Assertive Outreach, Youth Drop In.

This was One Service I would love to work in Matty.






  1. Hi Matty,

    Just catching up with your news, you've been busy! So many interesting services covering such a range of groups and needs, really, really interesting, its great to be getting this information from you in real-time.

    As we couldn't be with us for the Staff Conference on wednesday I thought I'd give you brief highlights - terrible weather but a lovely day! The project stalls in the morning showed phenomenal creativity - everything from homemade board games to team quizzes. Stephen and Mike Parker from the Board then led the lunchtime session with comments on our growth to date and future plans. Then it was time for fun and games - mixed teams took on fair games including hoola hooping, hook-a-duck and candy floss eating competitions. A brilliant day all round - you were missed but lots of people got a copy of the Beacon with the news about your travels so you where there in spirit.

    Continue having a great Matty - blog on!

  2. Thanks Rhiannon, For your kind comments it sounds as though the day was good fun by all. I really enjoy stuff like that. The only thing with me I like to win, however its the taking part that counts. We are all winners.
    Being really interesting stuff out here in Sydney loads happening within services. Trying to absorb as much as possible within the time here. Collecting a lot of information that I can look through back home in Newcastle upon Tyne.
    Just chilling for the weekend, sight seeing. As there say out here "On Walk About".......
